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Rasmalai Halwai Style with Secret Tips

Rasmalai Halwai Style with Secret Tips

Rasmalai is a Bengali delicacy that is very popular among the Indian Sweet Lovers. Rasmalai is a royal sweet often served in weddings and eaten on special occasions.


There are two parts to Rasmalai – the rasmalai balls and the thickened milk.

  • Rasmalai Balls : To make rasmalai balls the milk is first boiled and and then curdled by adding lemon juice or vinegar. After draining the water from the curdled milk, the protein that is left is called the “chena” or “paneer”. The chena is then mashed till it becomes smooth. Small balls are then made from that chena and dropped in boiling sugar syrup till cooked.

  • Thickened Milk or Rabri : The rasmalai balls are finally dipped in thickened milk and chilled before serving. To make the “rabri” full fat milk is boiled till it thickens slightly. It is then flavored with saffron and cardamom.


I would like to share few tips and tricks for a perfect rasmalai recipe.

  • Always use fresh full cream cow’s milk for better result. Buffalo milk differs from cow’s milk in richness and composition and also high in calories.
  • While forming paneer balls, make sure you do not have any cracks in it. Otherwise, the paneer balls would dissolve in sugar syrup while boiling.
  • Knead the paneer or chenna properly till it forms dough and no granules are seen. Do not over knead as chenna will start releasing oil, resulting hard rasmalai.
  • Use real cardamom pods to get the crushed powder. Do not use the ready made cardamom powder that we get in stores, it doesn’t have the same taste as the real one.
  • Rasmalai taste best when chilled overnight. Also the balls soak the milk and all flavored get intermixed well in 8-10 hours. So to serve the next day, make them a day in advance.

Video Recipe


Rasmalai Paneer Balls Ingredients :

  • Milk Boiling
    • Cow’s Milk - 2 ltr
      • Alternatively use Skimmed Milk in absence of Cow’s Milk
  • Milk Curdling
    • Lemon - 2 portion
      • Water - 1 cup
      • Alternatively use Vinegar or Curd in absence of Lemon
    • Ice Water
      • Ice - 6 to 10 piece
      • Water - 1 cup

Rasmalai Sugar Syrup Ingredients :

  • Water - 6-8 Cups
  • Sugar - 3 cups
  • Rasmalai Paneer Balls to cook

Rasmalai Milk Recipe Ingredients :

  • Milk Boiling
    • Cow’s Milk - 1 ltr
    • Alternatively use Skimmed Milk in absence of Cow’s Milk
  • Spices
    • Cardamom (elaichi) - 1 tsp
    • Saffron(kesar) - 1 tsp
    • Sugar - 2 cups
  • Nuts (Chopped)
    • Cashew - 2 tbsp
    • Almonds - 2 tbsp
    • Pistachio - 2 tbsp


Boil milk in a heavy bottom pan. Once it comes to a boil, switch off the flame and rest for 5-10 mins to bring to lower temperature then start adding lemon juice till milk curdles.

Chena / Paneer Recipe Method

  • Use full cream/whole cow’s milk to make rasmalai. Low fat or fat free will not give good results. The rasmalai balls are nothing but milk fat so you need to use full fat milk for making this sweet.

  • Don’t curdle the milk as soon as it comes to a boil. Wait for 5-10 minutes till the milk temperature comes down a bit. If you curdle the milk when it’s not “super hot”, the resulting chena will be softer.

  • Add lemon juice till the milk curdles completely. Using a strainer drain the water and collect the chena. Rinse it under tap water so that there’s no trace of lemon juice in it. Leave it in the strainer for 10-15 minutes and then take the chena in your hand and squeeze out remaining water slowly.

  • Even though you have to squeeze out the water completely from the chena, make sure that it’s not completely dry. The chena should feel soft and moist even after you have squeezed out the water. So don’t press it too hard else it will become dry and resulting rasmalai balls will not be soft. This step is important so do leave little water in the chena so that it feels soft and moist when you mash it.

  • Add cornflour or cornstarch and start mashing the chena till it’s smooth. Set the clock to 10 minutes and mash constantly for 10 minutes using your palm. Once it’s smooth, make small balls out of it.

  • Mash the chena for 10 minutes, the time is crucial so don’t try to cut it down. When the chena is smooth you should be able to make smooth balls out of it.

  • The balls when dipped in sugar syrup double in size so make the balls accordingly. I got 16-17 balls from 2 liter of milk when made smaller in size.

Sugar Syrup Recipe Method

  • Heat 3 cup sugar and 6-8 cups water in a wide pan and wait till it comes to a full boil. Drop the balls in boiling sugar syrup and cook for 15-17 minutes. The balls will double in size by then. Take out the balls from the syrup and drop them in fresh water. If they sink to the bottom, the balls are done.

  • Use a wide pan to cook the rasmalai balls. The balls double in size so there should be enough space in the pan for them to cook. Don’t overcrowd the pan with too many balls.

  • Drop the balls in the syrup only when it comes to a full boil and the heat should be set to maximum throughout the duration of 15-20 minutes till the balls are cooking.

  • If you feel the sugar syrup is getting thicker and balls are sticking to the bottom of the pan, then keep adding little water constantly. The balls should not touch the bottom of the pan. The syrup should always be thin in consistency. With the above ratio, you will hardly need to add any water. That’s why I said this is the perfect ratio for maintaining the correct syrup consistency.

  • Once the balls are cooked, let them cool down to room temperature. While the balls are cooling down make the thickened milk.

Rasmalai Recipe Method

  • In a heavy bottom pan, boil 1 litre of milk. Soak few strands of saffron in a tablespoon of warm milk and set aside. Once the milk comes to a boil, lower the flame and continue to stir the milk at regular intervals. After 10 minutes add sugar and mix.

  • After 20-25 minutes the milk will thicken to desired consistency, add soaked saffron and crushed cardamom. Also add finely chopped pistachios, almonds and cashews [if using]. Mix and switch off the flame.

  • Take out the cooled down rasmalai balls from the fresh water bowl. Squeeze and flatten lightly using your hands and put in sugar syrup for around 10-15 minutes [so that they absorb the sugar] before transferring them to milk. Squeeze the balls carefully as they are very soft and can break easily. I like to flatten the rasmalai at this stage rather than flattening them in the beginning. I feel they get cooked evenly in the sugar syrup when the balls are round in shape.

  • You can let the balls cool down in sugar syrup itself and then you can skip this step and transfer the balls directly to milk.

  • After 10-15 minutes transfer the balls to thickened milk. Chill in the refrigerator overnight or for 5-6 hours. Garnish with chopped pistachios and few saffron strands before serving.

  • The milk should be warm when you add the rasmalai balls to it. So the balls should cool down to room temperature but the milk should be warm.

  • Rasmalai taste best when chilled overnight. Also the balls soak the milk and all flavored get intermixed well in 8-10 hours. So to serve the next day, make them a day in advance. Enjoy soft melt in your mouth rasmalai .. !


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