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Murmura Bun Dosa | Puffed Rice Instant Dosa | Quick Healthy Breakfast or Snack

Murmura Bun Dosa | Puffed Rice Instant Dosa | Quick Healthy Breakfast or Snack


Bun dosa is a very popular South Indian recipe which is basically coming from Tamil and Malayalam cuisine. It has soft, spongy and puffy texture just like buns and breads and that is why it is called as bun dosa. Unlike traditional dosa, the batter is made only with rice and some spicy tempering to enhance the taste. In bun dosa, no lentil is used in making the batter.

As discussed above, the texture and thickness of bun dosa is very similar to breads or buns and hence it is popularly known as bun dosa. Futher, traditionally in bun dosa, the batter is prepared with only rice and no urad dal is added to it. The rice-based batter is later fermented and this helps to attain the bun-like texture. Here, I am preparing instant bun dosa with our hero puffed rice or murmura. Murmura is also known as kurmura, mamra, muri, khoiit. Instant bun dosa is made from puffed rice (murmura), semolina (rava or suji) and yogurt which is mixed together. The batter further rested for 30 minutes and then tempered with some spicy temperings. Please do not add any lentils in the batter as lentils may not help to achieve proper bun texture to the pancake or dosa. Moreover, the addition of spicy temperings to batter brings a new flavour altogether. You may feel it is very similar to neer dosa but it has its own feature and characteristics. This is quite different or unique from all other dosas.

Puffed Rice is a popular Indian rice cereal that is used in various breakfast cereals as well as many snacks. It is a base ingredient for various popular street foods in India especially very famous chat item Bhel Puri. It can combined innovatively with unique combination of seasonal vegetables, fruits, savories, dry fruits, sauces to make super delicious healthy snacks.


  1. This recipe include resting of semolina, yogurt (curd) and puffed rice (murmura). This will help semolina and puffed rice to swell in yogurt and help bun dosa to become more puffy.

  2. Murmura or puffed rice also known as kurmura, mamra, muri, khoiit is a popular Indian cereal from rice. It is easily available in all Asian or Indian store. You can also purchase puffed rice from online grocery stores too.

  3. Use Eno fruit salt in batter for puffiness in batter. In absence of Eno, please use baking soda to give fluffy texture to bun dosa.

  4. You can also add cumin seeds (jeera), grounded flaxseeds in the batter to improve its health benefits.

  5. Please use a small pan to cook the dosa in it since bun dosa is small and puffy. The curvy shape of the dosa pan helps, to easily spread by itself and achieve the thick shape like a bun.

Video Recipe


Preparation of Bun Dosa Batter

  • Puffed Rice (murmura) - 2 cups
  • Semolina (sooji or rawa) - 1 cup
  • Yogurt (curd). - 1 cup
  • Water
  • Salt

Preparation of Bun Dosa Tempering

  • Ghee or any oil
  • Mustard Seeds (rai) - 1 tsp
  • Curry leaves (meethi neem)
  • Urad dal - 1 tsp
  • Eno fruit salt (*see note below) - 1 tsp

  • In absence of Eno, use 1/2 tsp baking soda.


Preparation of Instant Bun Dosa Batter

  • Take puffed rice and grind to a fine powder.
  • Add grinded puffed rice (murmura), semolina (sooji or rava), yogurt (curd) to bowl .

  • Add salt to batter and mix well.

  • Add water to the batter little by little each time to form a smooth batter.

  • Rest the batter for 30 minutes.

Preparation of Bun Dosa

  • After 30 minutes of resting of dosa batter, add ghee to tadka pan and further mustard seeds (rai) to it.

  • When mustard seeds start splutter, add urad dal and curry leaves. Mix well and cook for 2 minutes. Tempering is ready.

  • Add tempering to batter.

  • Add eno (fruit salt) or baking soda to dosa batter and mix it well. This will add puffiness to dosa batter.

  • Add a full laddle to pan. Cover the pan and cook on medium flame. Bun dosa puffs up and it is required that bun dosa should be cooked from inside so it is essential to cover the pan.

  • Small bubbles on dosa indicates that dosa has eno and is going to puff up.
  • When cooked to golden brown from one side, flip dosa (pancake) to other side.

  • Once cooked on both sides, serve it on a plate. Bun dosa should be uniformly cooked on both sides until goledn brown.

  • Serve Bun Dosa or pancake hot along with coconut or peanut chutney as any meal of the day. It keeps you fuller for longer hours.


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